Work package 1: Project management, dissemination and exploitation

This workpackage will provide scientific coordination and professional project management capacity to resolve trade-offs between scope, time, cost and quality in order to ensure adequate progress and successful completion of the project.


  • Establish a project management and governance structure enabling efficient execution of the project, including decision making, conflict resolution, reporting and accountability.
  • Manage resources, procedures and tools to deliver the project to plan, within time and budget, including risk management and quality control procedures on deliverables.
  • Ensure effective communication and work dynamics between consortium members to help drive the whole Consortium as a team towards successful completion of the project, with special attention to interactions between WPs.
  • Ensure appropriate administration, financial allocation/reporting, legal management and logistics in support of the project.
  • Design and implement an effective and appropriate communication and dissemination strategy in order to reach all relevant stakeholders, with special attention to patient organisations.
  • To facilitate the exploitation and sustainability of the generated results, in particular by promoting the definition of exploitation strategies, IPRs management policies and knowledge management activities.
  • Ensure that the project is not hampered by ethical problems and respects all relevant international and national regulations in this regard.